Mary Clare Garber, Vice President of Princeton Legal Search Group quoted in ROI-NJ re: EWNJ’s Salute to the Policy Makers 2018

Mary Clare Garber, an honoree and principal and vice president of Princeton Legal Search Group, said she, too, was happy to recognize her fellow honorees for their tenacity.

“It is an honor to be included with all these women who have hung in there, tried and true, in their professions, that even when they have faltered, waivered or questioned in times of darkness or when they may have been the only woman at the table, they persevered,” she said. “I also think it is wonderful to see men included here tonight, too, because while men and women may have their separate journeys, it’s important to come together to support and help one another advance our careers.

“Men have just as much responsibility as women in speaking out against or preventing these issues from happening and it is encouraging to see them here doing so tonight.”

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