Are You Feeling the Love?

You’ve worked tirelessly to build your practice, serve your clients, and hit your numbers. But here’s a question that cuts through the noise: Are you feeling the love from your firm?

You know when you’re loved. It’s not just a gut feeling—it’s tangible. The love shows up in resources, opportunities, and yes, cold hard revenue. So, let’s get real: Is your firm putting its money where its mouth is, or are you the relationship that gets just enough attention to stay around but not enough to thrive?

If you’re questioning whether your practice is supported, it’s time to dig deeper.

Can the Love (in this case) Be Quantified?

Absolutely. Here’s how you know your firm is showing you the love:

  1. Revenue Share: Are you getting your fair cut of the revenue pie? Look beyond origination credits—are you rewarded for what you bring and how you grow the firm’s bottom line?
  2. Budget Priorities: How quickly does leadership respond when your group asks for resources—marketing, tech tools, or additional headcount? If your practice is low on the priority list, you already know where you stand.
  3. Cross-Selling Referrals: Do other partners actively send work your way, or are you left out of the firm’s big-ticket opportunities? Firms that love you make introductions that lead to real revenue.

If you’re not seeing the dollars flow in ways that support your practice, it might be time to ask yourself why. Are the dollars flowing to other practice areas, and if so, why? Or is it an off year for the firm, for the industries your practice supports? Might there be a shift in political trade winds (internally or externally?)   

The Pros of Being Loved

When your firm loves you, the benefits aren’t just warm fuzzies—they’re measurable:

  • Revenue Growth: Supportive firms actively help you expand your book of business, providing the tools, introductions, and resources that translate to profits.
  • Client Retention: A supported practice group is well-equipped to deliver exceptional client service, keeping existing clients loyal while drawing in new ones.
  • Peace of Mind: Knowing the firm has your back frees you to focus on what you do best—practicing law and building your practice.

What If You’re Not Feeling It?

If the love isn’t there, it’s time for some tough questions:

  • Are You Too Low-Maintenance? Have you been so focused on producing results that you haven’t made noise about what you need?
  • Is Your Practice Undervalued? Does leadership view your group as a necessary evil instead of a revenue driver?
  • Is It Time to Move On? If you’ve hit the ceiling of what your firm is willing to invest, it may be time to find a place that sees your potential—and is ready to help you reach it.

If you are open to potentially stronger opportunities, call our Principal David Garber at 201-537-0009.