“The Realities of Going In-House As A Litigator”
“Litigators with a specialized skillset fare better in the in-house market. One of the impressive traits of general litigators is their ability to become expert in various subject matters in a short period of time. Quite frankly, their clients and the court demand that skill, and it is often what energizes litigators and keeps their daily job interesting and varied. Unfortunately, the in-house market does not value that skill as highly. Although companies often recognize and respect that skill in attorneys, this is a tough in-house market for general litigators. Litigators with specialized areas of expertise are having better success with securing in-house roles. For example, we have placed litigators with regulatory expertise in the life sciences, food and chemical industries. Further, litigators that have focused on employment law actions have acquired a specialized skillset, and can therefore transition that skill in-house more readily than a general litigator…”