2025 Career Decison Making-Are You Ready?

As we embark on a new year, intuitively, we all crave fresh beginnings and an urge to take charge of our career trajectory. Ready to set the stage for a dynamic professional runway? Let’s dive in and kick off this … [more]

Are You Feeling the Love?

You’ve worked tirelessly to build your practice, serve your clients, and hit your numbers. But here’s a question that cuts through the noise: Are you feeling the love from your firm? You know when you’re loved. It’s not just a … [more]

Are Conflicts Gutting Your Practice?

As a seasoned law firm partner, you know the delicate balancing act of serving existing clients while pursuing new opportunities. But what happens when conflicts of interest block the growth of your practice? It’s a common challenge that can quietly … [more]

What’s at Risk When the General Counsel Role Is Vacant?

In many organizations, the General Counsel (GC) is more than just a legal advisor; they are a key executive team member, instrumental in shaping the company’s strategic direction. When the GC role is vacant, even temporarily, the organization is exposed … [more]